Monday, May 21, 2012

first little harvest

This morning in the drizzly mist, I clipped my first lavender bouquet from my lavender patch.  Last Sunday, I planted sixteen plants at my parents' house, in a bed made on the old spot of my favorite childhood climbing tree, which finally kicked the bucket last year.  It was the tree that held our hammock, the tree that shaded our tree fort, and the tree that I saw my first owl in - a little screech owl my sister and I heard through our bedroom window on a hot night in August before I went to college.  We'd been talking, and I heard it calling, shushed my sister, and made her creep out into the dark toward the tree with me and a flashlight.  Sure enough, we found him with the flashlight beam, perched in the branches.  I don't think there could be anything better than a lavender garden in place of such a special tree.   I'd collected a real assortment of lavender plants over the weeks - a few older ones from the Orange Co-op (from whence these blooms came),  younger ones from the Culpeper Co-op and from Whole Foods, and then a whole bunch of teeny tiny plants from the Garden Patch in Orange.  I can hardly wait for them to grow and bloom!

1 comment:

  1. That was a good old tree, I'm sorry it kicked the bucket, but glad your lavender has a nice spot. I held a screech owl fledgling today. I hope he doesn't kick the bucket but I'm afraid he might. He, or she I suppose, was exhausted and in someones carport when I picked him up. He's in rehab now.
