Friday, June 28, 2013

cicada sachets

I was thrilled by the cicadas this year.  I liked their overwhelming numbers, I like their looks, I was enchanted by their eerie glow-like song, even when it was outrageously loud, and Daniel and I spent a fascinating length of time down by the creek watching the ex-larva that had recently shed their shells hang still, white and wormy while they slowly developed their colors and hardened their wings.  I am sad their time is already over.  But to commemorate the beauty of it all, I painted a cicada with open wings and am in the process of sewing them up into lavender sachets.  I'll be selling them at the Food Festival in Orange on August 10th... along with lots of other things... AND I'm planning a very exciting weekend for September (more news on that later) so my sewing machine is hard at work these days.

1 comment:

  1. these are fabulous. love them - and am also sad they are gone - though i am not missing their droning on. got to catch them hatch and morph here right outside out door, too - they are so fascinating indeed.
